Weekly Announcements
Sep 12th- Movement Therapy with Jess
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
Sep 19th- Arm Day with Zach
Sep 26- Aerobic Conditioning with Lara
A) 3 Round in 9min
10 Building Back Squat
10 Boot Strappers
10/side Thread the Needle
B) 3 Rounds Led by a Coach
Back Squat
~15 reps (+/- 2)
Drop Weight...
20+ reps
Drop Weight...
10 reps @ 3011
C) 3 Rounds Led by a Coach
Bench Press
~15 reps (+/- 2)
Drop Weight...
20+ reps
Drop Weight...
10 reps @ 3011
A) 2 Rounds as Group
45sec Primal Hold
15sec Rest
45sec Forearm Plank
15sec Rest
45sec Side Plank L
15sec Rest
45sec Side Plank R
15sec Rest
B) 6 Sets *
3:30min Work
90sec Rest
15 Cal Row
20 Primal Shoot Throughs
25 Abmat Sit Ups
30 Box Jumps
*pick up where you left off after rest
A) 3 Rounds in 9min
15/side Laying External Rotations
10 Slow Scap Chin Ups
20 1/2 Rep Wall Curls
4 Sets in 15min
B1) 10-12 Seated Hvy Hammer Curl @ 3111
B2) 12-15 Tall Kneeling OH tricep Ext @3111
C) 18min AMRAP
10 Around the Worlds
10 Alt Hip to Halos
10 Lateral DB Raises
20 Full Seated Slightly Leaned Bus Drivers w/ Hand Release
A) 20min Amrap
12/side Curtsy Box Step Up Control Down
20sec Hanging Knee Raise Hold
12 Full Hang Muscle Snatch
10sec Seated L Sit Hold
B) 3 Rounds in 15min
20 Alternating Front Rack Front Lunge
20 Bent Over Barbell Rows (w/ Deload)
60 Bicycle Crunches
A) 2 Rounds For Time
400m Run
20 Burpee
400m Run
20 Cal Row/AB
400m Run
20 Burpee
400m Run
20 Push Ups
Sep 12th- Movement Therapy with Jess
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
Sep 19th- Arm Day with Zach
Sep 26- Aerobic Conditioning with Lara