Weekly Announcements
1) Labor Day Monday Reminder
Monday 9/5 : ONLY 8:30am/9:30am Class - All other classes cancelled
2) September Vickery Bar Day Party
- Saturday Sep 17th @ 1pm
- Limited Open Bar Tab
- Location TBD
A) 4 Sets Alternating with a Partner
Per Side: 6 Tall Kneeling DB Push Press + 5 T. Kn. to Standing
B) E4MOM for 20min (5 Sets)
8 Deadlift w/ Reset Btwn Reps
8 Seated DB Strict Press
C) Amrap 13min w/ a Partner
3/3 Hang Db Snatch
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs
A) 5min Single Unders
50 Lying Banded Curl
50/40 Echo Cals
50 Seated OH Tricep Extension
400m Run
50 Weighted L Crunch
400m Run
50 Leg Raises
50 Supinated Barbell Curl
A) EMOM x 21min (5 sets)
Min 1: 8/side Kick Stand Squats
Min 2: 3 Negative Pullups
Min 3: 20 Push Ups
B) Every 3:30 for 17m30s (5 Sets)
8/side DB Bulgarian Split Squat
3-7 Weighted Pull Up
4 Sets
A1) 20 Unweighted Hip Bridge on Bench
A2) 20 OHS (45/33)
B) 3 Sets
15 KBS
50 Double Unders
C) 3 Sets
10 UB Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
12 Burpees
6 Sets
400m Run
Rest 1:1
*Cap 2min per run
3 Rounds For Quality:
10/10 Lawn Mower Pulls
20 Weighted Anchored Situps
20 Barbell Bicep Curls
R2min between rounds
A) EMOM x30min (:50s effort/10sec Trans)
Min1: Calorie Row (above 1100/850 cal per hour)
Min 2: Slam Ball over Shoulder
Min 3: Steady RPM on Ab (60/50 RPM)
Min 4: Ring Rows
Min 5: Rest
B) 200 Bodyweight lunges > Ring Assisted (think sets of 30-50)
This Sunday Sep 11th: Movement Therapy with Jess - Knee Health
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
Sep 18th: Arms with Zach
Sep 25th: Aerobic Conditioning and Abs with Lara
Oct 2nd: Arms with Stefan