1) Protein, Prework, Fitaid, and Creatine restocked in Self Check Out retail
2) Two more weeks left of this cycle!
Reminder: If you have not been here or have not been consistent with this program cycle.... THERE IS NO REASON to be lifting extremely heavy on the low rep and HEAVY weight days. A better choice would be to double reps and move to a moderate but still challending weight.
A) 4 Rounds for Quality in 14:00
5 Power Clean Singles
30 Alt Dead Bugs
8 Seated Db Strict Press
B) In 20min in at least 7 Sets
Build to a heavy 2.2 Deadlift
. = Stand up and 3 big breaths
A) In 15min..
3x10 Supinated Horizantal Inverted Row
3x10 Spider DB Curl
3x20sec Hanging KR Hold or SL Hold
3x6-10 Strict into Partner > 10 Partner > 10 Negative
B) 12min AMRAP
2 Pullup
2 T2b
100m Run
C)12min AMRAP
10 Burpees
10/8 Cal Echo
A) 2min/side Elevated Pigeon Stretch
B) EMOM x 14min
Min 1: 5 90degree Rt Heel Touches
5 90degree Lft Heel Touches
10 90 Rotations
Min 2: 12 KB Goblet Cleans
C) In 20min in at least 7 Sets
Build to a heavy 3 Back Squats
A) 10min AMRAP
200m Jog
20 Banded Tricep Press Downs
10 Strict Chin Ups
Trans 1min
B) 10min AMRAP
1min Single Unders
10/side Concentration Curls @ 3111
D) C) In 20min in at least 7 Sets
Build to a heavy 3 Bench Press
A) Emom x 15min
Min 1: 45sec Alternating Crab Reach Overs
Min 2: 45sec Forearm Plank
Min 3: 30sec Slow Superman to Prisoner
B) Alternating with a Partner for Max Total Cals
30sec Row Sprint
30sec Transitions
A) 5 x 10 Back Squat @ 4012
B) For Time w/ 20min Cap
50 Abmat Situp
50 Ring Row
40 Leg Raises
40 Ring Row
30 Abmat Situp
30 Ring Row
20 Abmat Situps
20 Ring Row
10 Ring Row
10 Abmat Situps
This Sunday 10/1: Chest Pump with Stefan
Upcoming Sundays
Rest of Oct TBA