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Writer's pictureZach Morman

6/28/2021 - 7/4/2021

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Weekly Announcements

1) July 4th Schedule

- Friday July 2nd - No 6:30pm

- Sunday July 4th- 11am Sunday Skills Cancelled

- Monday July 5th- 10am Class ONLY (All other classes cancelled)

2) Pick up your Pre Ordered Pride Shirt this week!

- We will have extra shirts and tanks for sale this week.

3) More info on 7 Year Anniversary and next Nutrition Push coming soon



A) 3 Rounds in 10min

10/10 SA Ring Row


8/leg Split Stance RKBS

60sec SA KB Front Rack Carry Lft

60sec SA KB Front Rack Carry Rt


4 Sets 14min

B1) 10 Barbell RDL @3111


B2) 20 Heavy UB Walking Lunges



C) E3min for 9min

20 Drop Squats

20 Burpees



A) 3 Rounds

10 Scap Pullups

6/6 DB Offset Push Ups

20 Alternating DB Floor Press

10 DB Z Press


B) 35min AMRAP

12-15 DB HG Bench Press

12-15 KB Dead Bug Pull Overs

6-15 Strict Pullups

300m Run




A) E2MOM for 20min:

7/7 Bulgarian Split Squat Thrusters*

*Opposite hand has weight (right foot on ground, left arm has weight)


B) 7 Sets

Min 1: Row 250/225m

Min 2: Superman Prisoner Pushups

Min 3: Rest



A) 10min Amrap

Banded Plank Circles 12 to 6 to 12

20 Suitcases


B) 4 Sets

7/7/7 Barbell Curls

20 Kb Horn Curls

20 Bicycle Crunches

12/10 Cal AB

Rest as Needed


C) 4 Sets

21 Skull Crushers

20 Overhead Tricep Ext

10 Toes to Bar

12/10 Cal Row

Rest as Needed



A) Emom x 12min

Min 1: 45sec LM Goblet Squat

Min 2: 45sec DB RDL

Min 3: 8-10 Light DB Full Cleans


B) E4min x 7 sets (28min)

16 LM Goblet Hold Alt Reverse Lunge

14 Demon Press

12 Weighted Step Ups



Groups of 5:

Waterfall Style

For Time:

1000m Row or 1.6mi AB (4:30min cap)

100 Air Squats (3:00min cap)

850m Run

40 Burpees

*22min time cap individually from where you start

*Have to wait for teammate to get done to move onto next movement


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