1) The Annual Jackson Pool Party and Go Be Great Charity Workout
Saturday June 15th @ 930am and 1pm
9:30am - Go Be Great Charity Workout
A charity near and dear to Vickery founded and ran by our very own Jules and Brian Jackson in honor of Jules son, Brock. (More info here)
Go Be Great merchandise will be available to purchase at workout! See more on the PDF Flier below.
1:00pm - Annual Vickery Pool Party hosted by the Jackson
Formal invite is in your email of of LAST Friday (Please RSVP)
2) New Program Cycle Starting this Week
New 8 week program starts today. For a quick overview with priority days see below, for a bit more info watch the short programming video as well.
A) EMOM x 8min
Min 1: 10 Back Squat
Min 2: 100m Row Sprint
B) 5 Sets in 16min
6-8 Back Squat
Super Set w/ 12 SL Hip Bridge
C) 20min AMRAP w/ a Partner
20/16 Cal Echo
30/24 Cal Row
40 Box Jump
A) 6min AMRAP
10 Db Push Press
10 KB Sumo High Pulls
B) 3 Rounds in 6min
Max Effort Chin Up Hold
Building Barbell Strict Press
C) EMOM x 16min
Min 0-2: 8-10 Barbell Strict Press
Min 2-4: Minimum 5 Strict Pullup
D) 3 Rounds for Time
20 Toes To Bar > T2R > 30 Kipping KRR > 20 SC
20 HR Push Ups
40 DU
*15min Cap
A) 18min to Build to a Challenging 2 UB Complexes
1 Complex = 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean
B) E4MOM x 4 Sets (for individual speed)
10 HPC
250/225mn Row
A) EMOM x 8min
Min 1: 10 Push Up to Down Dog
Min 2: 8 PVC PT + 8 Shoulder Taps to Ground
B) 5 Sets in 16min
6-8 Bench Press
Super Set w/ 12 Reverse Flies
C) 18min EMOM
Min 1: 16/13 Cal Echo (52sec cap)
Min 2: 20sec Tall Plank
A) EMOM x 12min
Min 1: 40sec of BW Tricep Ext (any variation)
Min 2: 40sec Plate Cross Hold
B) E2MOM x 6 sets
6-8 Heavy Barbell Curl
Max Effort Db Hammer Curl (max 40sec)
C) Emom x 10min
20sec Flutter Kick
10sec Rest
20sec Plank Hold
10sec Rest
D) 5min AMRAP
Hanging L-Sit for Total Time
GoBeGreat Charity Workout @ 930am AND Vickery Pool Party at 1pm
Pool Party Details in Email via RSVP Invitation.
"The Catcher" in Honor of Brock
9 Rounds w/ a Partner
27 Wall Balls
13 Burpees
120m Med Ball Run
The meaning of the Workout. Brock was a catcher and loved baseball.
9 Innings in a baseball game
Brock would of been 27 years old this year.
13 was his jersey number
120m around baseball bases
THIS SUNDAY: 6/16 - No Sunday Class (Post Pool Party and Fathers Day)
Upcoming Sundays
6/23 - Movement Therapy with Jess
6/30 - Cardio and Abs with Brie