Weekly Announcements
1) New Program Cycle
Here is a look at a very high level at the week for the next 9 weeks. This next cycle (like everyone) can be massively productive if you show up and put in the work.
There really is not a great rest day. All days are important, but possibly Thursday or Friday would be a preferred one if you are not taking care of your body and feeling beat down. With the right recovery, nutrition, and care this cycle could be 6 days a week.
Please I urge you to set up a meeting and bring me a coffee if you want to dive deeper into this program cycle and talk details. Text me (469)-734-3343.
2) Sunday Specialty Class this Week
Movement Therapy w/ Jess @ 11am: Shoulders and Neck
*This class is hard capped. If you are on the waitlist do not come unless let into class. Also please be considerate with reservations....
If you are going to bail 1 hour before because you are hungover or just don't want to come last minute. Don't reserve a spot on a Tuesday. Leave it for someone who cares.
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
April 18th: Gymnastic Skills w/ Zach - Ring Muscle up
April 25th: Gymnastic Skills w/ Brie - The Handstand
May 2nd: Olympic Lifting Technique w/ John
A) EMOM x 6min
Min 1: 35sec Hanging/Scap Pullups
Min 2: 30sec Goblet Hold Wall Sit
B) EMOM x 10min*
Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups
*Goal is to hold a consistent number across all minutes
*Don't go more than breaking twice (ex3/2/1= 6 reps) That would be the max breaks to get to six reps. More reps is not always better.
*Being able to do 5 unbroken consistent strict pullups is harder than doign 6 with two breaks.
*Go for quality not quantity
4 Sets in 16min
C2) 15/leg Hand Supported Drop Lunge @20x1
C2) 12/leg RFE Goblet Hold Split Squat @30x1
D) 30-20-10 in 12min
Tripod Row w/ 1sec Hold @ Top (50/45)
Bent Over Reverse Fly
A) EMOM x 12min
Min 1: 12-15 Tall Kneeling KB Goblet Strict Press
Min 2: 10-12/leg LandMine(LM) Split Stance RDL
5 Sets in 20min
1 Warm Up Set
4 Working Sets
B1) 7-9 Wide Grip Bench Press @51x1
B2)12-15 Barbell RDL @ 31x1
*Rest and work in partner sets
C) 10min Amrap
8 Deficit Push Ups
A) With a Partner 30min Amrap
200m/180m Row*
*Reset Rower Screen Each Time
*50sec Cap per row
B) 4 Sets
8 Strict T2b > K2E > 30sec Accum KR Hold
30sec KB Front Rack Hold (53/35)
50 Mountain Climbers
10 Hollow Rocks
A) 3 Rounds in 9min
10 Scap Chin Ups
10 Weighted PassThrough
10 Tall Kneeling LM Goblet Press
B) 3 Unbroken Sets in 9min
15 Tall Kneeling Controlled KB Pallof Press
15 Tall Kneeling KB Horn Curls
C) EMOM x 10min
Chin Ups
*same guidelines as Monday
D) 18min AMRAP
8/arm 1/2 Kneeling LM Strict Press
20 Tall Kneeling LM Goblet Press
20 Unbroken Burpees (60sec cap)
Rest as needed
A) 15min Amrap
40se AssBike (increasing pace every round)
6 Squat to Vertical Jump
10 Squat to 180 Jumps
30 Frog Hip Bridge
5 Sets
B1) 15 Hand Supported Bulg Split Sq @2111
B2) 20 Frog Stance Deficit "Squats"
C) EMOMx 10min
10 Wtd Walking Lunges (50/35)
A) E2MOM x 36min
MIn 0-2: 15-20 Push Ups
Min 2-4: 10 Slam Balls
10 Db/KB Bent Over Rows
Min 4-6: 300-400m Run
SUNDAY @ 11am
Movement Therapy w/ Jess: Shoulders and Neck
A valuable hour with our resident Physical Therapist ad Coach extraordinaire. She will be covering how to analyze your own shoulder mobility/weakness and how to keep em healthy with some go to prehab and rehab exercises.
*This class is hard capped. If you are on the waitlist do not come unless let into class. Also please be considerate with reservations.... If you are going to bail 1 hour before because you are hungover or just don't want to come last minute. Don't reserve a spot on a Tuesday. Leave it for someone who cares.
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
April 18th: Gymnastic Skills w/ Zach - Ring Muscle up
April 25th: Gymnastic Skills w/ Brie - The Handstand
May 2nd: Olympic Lifting Technique w/ John