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Writer's pictureZach Morman

4/19/2021 - 4/25/2021

Weekly Announcements

1) How to bring your friends to class?

Its Easy! Everyone gets a couple trial classes for free to get a feel for our program.

Step 1) Pick a class they would like and tell them about our gym. Set expectations that they aren't showing up to Larry's Shoe Camp, Lemon Theory, or F69.

Step 2) Have them "Enroll" in a class via our schedule on our home page.

Step 3) Text Zach about this. He will reach out to them from there.

2) Join our Private FB Group for Members.

3) Sunday Specialty Class this Week

April 25th @11am: Gymnastic Skills w/ Brie - The Handstand

An hour to go over handstand basics all the way to advancing into a free standing handstand. This is open to almost all skill levels. Even if you do not feel comfortable with some of the more advance progressions you can listen in for when you reach that level.

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

May 2nd: Olympic Lifting Technique w/ Zach



A) Emom x 12min

Min 1: 10 Ring Row + 20sec Superman to Prisoners

Min 2: 10 Goblet Sq + 20sec Bottom of Squat Hold


5 sets for 27min

B1) 10/leg Back Rack Drop Lunge @20x1

immediately into..

30sec Goblet Hold Wall Sit


B2) 10-12/arm Tripod DB/KB Row @ 3111



C) Emom x 10min

Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups

*Goal is to hold a consistent number across all minutes. Most like you did not progress from last week. Think of last week as a gauge for this week to really push it.

*Go for quality not quantity



A) 2 Rounds in 7min

6 True Yoga Down Down to Up Dog

8 Tall Kneeling Goblet Press


12 Alt Hip to Halo


B) 5 Sets in 22min

1 Warm Up Set

4 Working Sets

B1) 10 Cloe Grip Incline Bench Press @51x1

B2) 12-15 Frog Stance Deadlifts @ 31x1

*Rest and work in partner sets


C) 15min AMRAP

10 Push Ups


10 Front Squat (95/65)

10 Push Press (95/65)



A) 40min AMRAP w/ a Partner

350/320m Row Repeats



A) Emom x 15min

Min1: 12 Supinated Ring Row

Min 2: 20 KB/DB See Saw Press

Min 3: End to End Backwars Bear Crawl


B) 5 Rounds

10 Low Barbell Tricep Push Ups

10 Supinated DB Curl to Arnold Press

20 Wrd Anchor Sit Ups


C) EMOM x 10min

Chin Ups



A) 12min AMRAP

10/leg Kick Strand Squats




5 Sets in 24min

B1) 10 /side Hand Supported Rear Foot Elevated Split Sq @2111


B2) 10-12 Heavy Barbell Hip Bridge



C) EMOMx 10min

10 Wtd Walking Lunges (50/35)*

*If you have not gone up in weight and have been here every Friday... the time has come.



Teams of 3;

p1 - Single arm farmer's walk, 100m

p2 - 25 Air squats

p3 - 10 Burpees

Complete as many rounds in 35 minutes as possible, rotate only when p1 returns with carry implement and p2/3 finish their movement reps



April 25th: Gymnastic Skills w/ Brie - The Handstand

This is included in your membership.

An hour to go over handstand basics to advancing into a free standing hand stand. This is open almost all skill levels. Even if you do not feel comfortable with some of the more advance progressions you can listen in for when you reach that level.

Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.

Upcoming Sundays

May 2nd: Olympic Lifting Technique w/ Zach

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