1) General Gym Reminders
- If you are 8min or more late to class, please go to the next class. Also in general please work a bit more on getting to class on time. We have a lot of people who are regularly 3-5min late.
- Every Saturday night cubbies get cleaned out and items get donated. This excludes any real valuables (PS: your yeti is not a real valuable)
- Sunday Specialty Class has a 24 hour cancellation policy. Every other is class is only an hour.
- If you have to cancel a regular class late (within an hour), you can avoid the $10.00 fee by immediately signing up for another class that same day. Please do not abuse this policy.
A) 10min Pull Up EMOM
B) 30min EMOM
Min 1: 10 Back Squat
Min 2: 10 Supinated Seal Row
A) 30min EMOM
Min 1: 10 Barbell RDL
Min 2: 10 Seated HG DB Strict Press
B) 10min DB Push Up EMOM
A) Running Clock
Min 0-5
50/43 Cal Echo
60/50 Cal Row
Min 5-10
40 Suitcases
Jump Rope in Time Remaining
MIn 10-15
400m Run
Pause Suitcases in Time Remaining
Min 15-20
50/43 Cal AB
60/50 Cal Row
Min 20-25
4 Rounds
10 Burpee
10 T2B
Min 25-30
Max Time Under Tension: Any Plank
B) 400m SA Farmers Carry (~70/50)
*As unbroken as possible
A) E4MOM x 4 sets ( 16min)
10-12 Incline HG DB Skull Crusher
10/side Side Lean Lateral Raise
10 Reverse Grip Barbell Curl
B) 10min Pull Up EMOM
C) E3MOM x 6 Sets (18min)
8-12 Leaned Back Supinated DB Curl @ 30X1
8-12 Dips @Controlled Down Tempo and Explode Up
A) Partner 1: 3min Straddle Stretch on wall
Partner 2: 90sec Pigeon Stretch per side
B) 6 Sets
300/250m Row
12 Hang Power Snatch
10 Burpee Over Bar
A) Every 8:30sec x 4 Sets
600/525m Row
30 Push Ups
300m Run
30 Box Jump
This Sunday 4/23: Movement Therapy w/ Jess: Ankles, Knees, Hips
(Please respect waitlist and only come if you get let into the class)
Upcoming Sundays
4/30: Arms w/ Stefan