Weekly Announcements
1) Next Social Event: BBQ and BEERS in the Lot
What: Saturday, May 8th at 12pm When: Around 12pm
Where: Vickery Parking Lot
What do I need: We will be supplying meat and drinks. Please bring your favorite BBQ side, dessert!
What about after: I am sure we will head out on the town for some good old fashion tom foolery.
We will make a Facebook even soon. In the meantime make sure (SPECIALLY NEW MEMBERS) to join our Private FB Group for Members.
2) Sunday Specialty Class this Week
April 18th @11am: Gymnastic Skills w/ Zach - Ring Muscle up
Want to learn a pretty useless but cool skill?!?! Well then this is your day. The ring muscle up is an advance gymnastic skill. Come advance your ring muscle up or start to learn this new skill!
There ARE pre requisites to this class.
1) Strict Pullups 2) A loose grasp on kipping
3) Ability to do 2 or more Ring Dips
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
April 25th: Gymnastic Skills w/ Brie - The Handstand
May 2nd: Olympic Lifting Technique w/ John
A) 2 Rounds in 8min as a Group
1min of Wallsit
1min of Plank
1min of Walking Spiderman Lunges
30sec of Scap Pullups
30sec Bottom of Active Squat
5 Sets in 30min
B1) 12/leg Hand Supported Drop Lunge @20x1*
*Same as last week but 3 less reps. Try and progress with a much heavier weight since we now know the movement.
B2) 10/10 SA KB/DB Front Rack Box Step Ups (24/20)
B3) 15-20 Calf Deficit Calf Raise @2111
C) EMOM x 10min*
Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups
*Goal is to hold a consistent number across all minutes. Most like you did not progress from last week. Think of last week as a gouge for this week to really push it.
*Go for quality not quantity
A) Emom x 6min
Min 1: 12 Squat to LM Goblet Press
Min 2: 10/side LM Rdl to Muscle Snatch
B) EMOM x 6min
Min 1: 8/leg DB or KB Split Stance RDL
Min 2: 45sec Amrap Db/Kb Bench Press w/ weight from minute 1
C) 5 Sets in 22min
1 Warm Up Set
4 Working Sets
B1) 7-9 Wide Grip Bench Press @51x1
B2)10-23 Barbell RDL @ 31x1
*Rest and work in partner sets
*EXACT same as last week. We are doing it again in hopes you have a better grasp on your bench press weight and RDL weight and can attack this a bit more.
D) 12min AMRAP
Right Arm
5 Full KB Clean
5 Front Rack Rev Lunge
5 Push Press
20sec OH Hold
Rest 30sec
Left Arm Same Thing
A) 2 Rounds in 8min
400m Run
10 Scap Pullup
10 Kips
B) 20min AMRAP w/ a Partner
250m/225m Row Repeats
*Reset Rower Screen Each Time
*50sec Cap per row
C) 20min AMRAP
5-10 UB T2b > 25sec UB KR Hold
300m Run
Rest 90s
A) E2MOM x 40min
Min 0-2: 8 of the Following Complex
1 Burpee to 2 Primal Shoot throughs to 1 Box Jump Overs
Min 2-4: 5/5 Mix Grip Pullups > 4 Negative Mix Grip > 8 Barbell
10-12 Standing OH Tricep Ext
A) 12min AMRAP
6/side LM Squat to Rotational Press
15/leg Single Leg Hip Bridge to 15sec Hold
5 Sets in 24min
B1) 12/side Hand Supported Bulg Split Sq @2111
*dropped by 3 reps from last week. Lets try to push to heavier weight here now since we know the movement some.
B2) 7/side Land Mine Hack Squats @ 31x1
C) EMOMx 10min
10 Wtd Walking Lunges (50/35)
A) 10min AMRAP
10 Burpees
200m Run
B) 10min AMRAP
15 Supinated Body Rows
50 Double unders > 50 JJ
C) 10min AMRAP
12/10 Cal Row on 10/9 Damper
12 Rower Tuck Ups
April 18th @11am: Gymnastic Skills w/ Zach - Ring Muscle up
Want to learn a pretty useless but cool skill?!?! Well then this is your day. The ring muscle up is an advance gymnastic skill. Come advance your ring muscle up or start to learn this new skill!
There ARE pre requisites to this class.
1) Strict Pullups 2) A loose grasp on kipping
3) Ability to do 2 or more Ring Dips