Weekly Announcements
1) VA Intramural Open 2022: Battle of the Hogwarts Houses
-Week 1 scores Announced: Slytherin Leads -Harry Potter Trivia details announced.
-Website for EVERYTHING Intramurals
2) Vickery St Patties Day Party/Post Open Celebration: March 12th
- We are lucky enough that member Vijay and Matt have opened their homes for Vickery to continue a wild time next week post Opens with a St Patties House Party hosted by Vickery.
- The are walking distance to the party on Greenville Ave
- Join the Facebook event and text Zach with questions or if you can't get in the event w the link below.
3) Not participating in The Open this year?
- Saturday 8:30/9:30am classes are cancelled in place are our Saturday " Open Heats". But don't worry they are not just for Open participants. You will have to sign up for a heat Friday at 2pm on the Intramural part of our website.
We will not have room for ANYONE to workout unless they sign up for a heat.
A) EMOM x 7min
10 Scap Pullups
6 Burpees
B) 2 Rounds (20min)
Min 0-5:
60sec Primal Hold w/ Slow Shoulder Taps
500m/450m Row (2min Cap)
10-15 Box Dips > 8-10 Negative Box Dips > Assisted
Min 5-10:
3min Max Strict Pullup > Light Band > 3 Neg/min > Assisted Negatives
Amrap Push Up in time Remaining
C) 3 Rounds for Quality (12min)
8/side LM Rotate to Press
8/side DB Split Stance RDL
16 Weighted Superman to Prisoner on Bench
A) 1min/side Active Pigeon Stretch w/ Reach
3 Rounds
30s Flutter Kick
30s Bicycle Kick
30s LCrunch
4 Sets in 16min
B1) 8/leg Barbell Drop Lunges
B2) 8/leg Suticase Hold Bulg Split Sq
*We are done with % progression for this cycle. Lots of good came from it but it was missing its purpose for a large group of pp in the end few weeks.
C) Death By...
1 Box Jump and 5 Double Unders
A) EMOM x 12min
Min 1: 40sec Top of Plank DB Pullthrough
Min 2: 20 Light Reverse Grip Barbell Curl
B) 3 Sets Each for Quality w a Partner in 16min
*Alternating w/ partner after each set of 21
Set of 21's w/ Std Sup DB Curl
Set of 21's w/ Barbell Skull Crushers
21 Hanging Wtd Leg Lift or KR to Target
C) E3MOM for 12min
Min 0-3: 30 Burpees (2min cap)
MIn 3-6: 2min Max Supinated Body Row
A) 30 Rounds with a Partner
*Alternating after an entire round
6/5 AB or 8/6 Cal Row (~30 sec of effort)
4 Pullups > 2-3 Pullups> 5-6 Jumping c2B
6 Wallballs >Air Sq
6 High Hang PC to OH > Dbs
Cap 36min
6:45pm Harry Potter Trivia at the Gym. More info on website.
View Vickery RX and Scaled Workouts AND
Registration for Saturday Morning Heats LIVE @ 2pm TODAY
A) 2min Straddle Stretch
2min 90/90 Stretch
B) EMOM x 12min
Min 1: 20 Lateral Shoulder Raise
Min 2: 30sec Hanging Knee Raise
C) E4MOM for 20min
400m Run
25 Slamballs
Forearm Plank in Time remaining
View Vickery RX and Scaled Workouts AND
Registration for Saturday Morning Heats LIVE @ 2pm TODAY
SCORE SUBMISSION DUE on Intramural Website at 1pm
March 6th - Full Body Mobility Work w/ Zach
Upcoming Sundays
March 13th - CANCELLED for St Patties