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2/24/2020 - 3/1/2020

Writer: Zach MormanZach Morman


-St Paddys Day Party (March 14th) - Facebook Private Event

- Go Be Great Charity Workout (March 21st)

Whole Life Challenge Re Test Workout Saturday!

9am Strength and 10:15am Community Class are the same Retest Workout




MONDAY A) Hammer Grip DB Bench @ 31X1 2x10 Warm Up 4x12 Working + 4 Sets B1) 25 Def Push ups on red plates B2) 25 Supinated Inverted Rows + C) 4min Max Cal AB


TUESDAY 45min EMOM Min 1: 10-12 cal row Min 2: 15 No Push Up Burpees Min 3: 10 T2R Min 4: 1 Manageable Set of Strict Pullups Min 5: 25sec/25sec Side Plank holds


WEDNESDAY Alternating w Partner for Total Time* 2 Sets 10 Hang PC (135/95) 20 Burpees + 3 Sets 10 Demon Press 15/13 Cal Row + 4 Sets 12 Push Press (135/95) 15 Thrusters (135/95) + 1 Set 70 Db Burpees (split evenly) *Each person does full amount of sets, the only thing split is Db burpees at the end.


THURSDAY 5 Sets A1) 5x12 Seated DB Press (45 degree) @31X1 R60 A2) 45sec Cross Hold R60s + B) 25min amrap 100m Farmers Carry 10 Kipping Pullups > HARD Jumping Pullups 100m FC 10 Box Jump (30/24) 100m FC 5 Wall Walks


FRIDAY A) 5 RFQ 10 Barbell RDL 12 Front Rack Box Step Ups" + B) Front Squat @ 31X1* 2x10 W/U Sets 4x12 Working *Heels Elevated if needed


SATURDAY Whole Life Challenge Ends Today NO 9am Strength Class!!! 9am Class to Test the Whole Life Challenge ReTester This means there will still be class held at 9am but it will be just an early time option to test the WLC Retester workout (see below) Saturday Community Class Whole Life Challenge Tester 1000/900m Row 50 DB Hang Snatch 50 Burpees 12 min time cap






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