Weekly Announcements
1) New Programming Cycle 11/1/2021 to 12/18/2021
This next cycle of programming will push some volume throughout the week rather than individual days like last cycle did. It will have alot of hypertrophy work throughout the week that you will have to focus up and push the weight and keep control of your own rest to get the full benefit out of the program. Approach the program with a lackluster attitude and get lackluster results. Thurs (day 4) would be the lowest priority in my opinion but will be a tough one to sit out since it involves the highest intensity interval work.
Eating well should always be a priority but striving to hit a protein goal each day during this kinda program will build lean, beautiful, glistening muscle. So tighten it up as we move into December. Don't throw away 2 months of workout and nutrition bc these months have 3 holiday days in it.
This cycle will lead us up to Christmas. From middle of December to middle of January we will be just hanging out and doing fun fitness type stuff to let ppl recollect themselves heading into the new year. Then in mid to late Jan we will start a new macro cycle for the year as well as crank up the first round of The Lifestyle Plan Nutrition Program.
2) UPCOMING Social Event: Thanksgiving Potluck and Gym Day Party
When: Saturday November 13th
Time: 2pm-6pm
What: Bring your favorite dish to the gym to share and hang around. We will provide drinks and games.
We will hang around Vickery for the afternoon and I am sure a group of trouble makers will head out afterwards.
3) Sunday Specialty Class
Nov 7th- Movement Therapy: Low Back w/ Jess
Upcoming Sundays
Nov 14th- Arm Pump Day w/ Zach
Nov 21st- Kipping Skill Work w/ Zach
Nov 28th- Cancelled for Thanksgiving Holiday
A) 18min to Perform
Bench Press @3010
5 Sets of 10 Reps (all heavy)
15min to Complete 5 Sets
B1) 10-12 Hammer Grip DB Barrel Press @31X1
B2)10-12 Bodyweight Tricep Extensions
C)18min AMRAP
Row or AB with Partner for Distance
50 Seconds Work
10 Second Transitions/Rest
A) 15min to Perform
5x8-10/Side Bulg Split Squat*
*3 Hard Working Sets
B)12min Amrap
30 Abmat Sit Ups
24 Drop KB/DB Goblet Hold Lunges (45# plate/35#plate)
15min to Perform...
4 Sets
C1) 25 Star Jumps
Immedaitely into...
C2) 60sec of Unbroken Hip Bridges on Bench
Rest as needed
4 Sets
A1) 8 Bent Over Dumbell Rows @3111
A2) 30's Front Raises w/ Plates
B) 16min Amrap
8 Strict Pullups > 6-8 Negatives > 12 Barbell C2B
18 Hammer Curls
C) 15min Amrap
DB/KB Farmers Carry in 200m Increments for Total Distance
*Every 200m Perfrom 10 Yoga Pushups
A) 6 Sets
10 UB Hang Power Snatch (115/85)
15 Box Jumps
25/20 Cal Row
Rest 2-ish minutes
A) EMOM x 10min:
Chin Ups > 35s of Neg Chin Ups > 35s Barbell Chin Ups
*Goal is to find a consistent number that you can perform
all 10min. Better to shoot for a easier scale than fail on min 6
5 Sets
B1) 12 RDL w/ KB or Db @3010
Immediately into...
B2) 30 (15/side alt) Jump Lunges
C) 100 DB walking Lunges (~50/35)
10min cap
A) Strict Press
5 working sets of 5 Reps
B) 4 Rounds for Time
20 No Push Up Burpees
400m Run
26min Cap
Nov 7th- Movement Therapy: Low Back w/ Jess
Upcoming Sundays
Nov 14th- Arm Pump Day w/ Zach
Nov 21st- Kipping Skill Work w/ Zach
Nov 28th- Cancelled for Thanksgiving Holiday