Weekly Announcements
1) The Lifestyle Plan @ Vickery Athletics
Jan 15th - March 25th (70 Days)
Registration Ends Jan 10th - THIS SUNDAY!
If you are apart of this already expect an email this week with some updates, private fb invite, and a timeline of what to expect.
2) Sunday Specialty Class this Week Double Under Skills with Zach @ 11am
The back area next to the garage no longer exists.
Please leave your stuff in the cubbies upfront.
You are welcome to leave out the front now as well.
A) Emom x 8min
2-4 Bodyweight Complexes
-Push up to Shoulder Tap Rt
-Push up to Shoulder Tap Lft
-Primal Shoot Through Rt
-Primal Shoot Through Lft
Down to Up Dogs in Time Remaining
B) 6 Sets in 17min
Incline Barbell Bench Press
12, 8, 6, ,6 ,6, 6
Superset Post Set
3.3 Mixed Grip Strict Pullups (weighted if needed)
C) Emom x 10min
Min 1: 8 Push Ups into 8 Superman to Prisoners
Min 2: 10 Burpees
A) 3 Rounds w/ one KB or DB
10 Sumo DL
8 Sumo Squats
6 Bent Over Rows
B) 6 x 10 RDL
C) Every 90s x 13sets (21min)
12secs @95% on Row or AB
10 Hvy Lunge Steps (~65/45)
A) 40min AMRAP
200m Run
20 Bench Dips
20 Box Step Overs
400m Run
20 Moderate Unbroken Demon Press
20 Box Step overs
800m Run
20/side Plank Hip Taps
20 Box Step Overs
*Weight the step overs if you missed Tuesday.
A) E2min x 7 Sets (14min)
Press Complex*
4 Strict Press
3 Push Press
*3sec down on all reps
B) 4 Sets in 14min
Max UB Toes to Bar > Toes to Ring > GOOD Kipping Knee Raise > Knee Raise Hanging Hold
10-14 Slightly Bent Over Hvy Lateral Raise*
*After your final set of Lateral Raises drop weight to 2.5lbs -8lbs and do a set of 25-35 reps
C) 3 Rounds in 10min
100m Hvy Cross Body Carry
10 Dips right into 10 Dip Hold Knee Tuck ups* > 6-8 Negative Dips into 10 Dip Hold Knee Tucks > 10 Push Ups into 10 Suitcases
*Can use box or rings, also can add weight if needed
A) 10min Amrap
10/side Clamshell Side Planks
10 Banded Hip Bridges
12 Alternating Weighted 90/90 Hip Rotation
B) Box/Bench Squat in 15min
* Building Weight if needed
C) 20min Amrap
10-12/side BW BSS Jumps
8-10/Leg Foot Elevated SL Hip Bridge
8-10 KB Sumo Jump Squats
4 Sets
A1) 12/side Tripod Rows
A2) 12-15 Overhead Tricep Extensions
B) 6 Sets
200 Run
10 Hang Power Snatches
8 Burpee Over Barbell
SUNDAY @ 11am
Double Under Skills Class
Please register on Pike13 App
50-60min to work on learning or progressing your double unders. While getting double unders takes time outside of classes, hopefully here we can give you tools and drills to help guide your own practice.
Upcoming Sunday
Jan 17th: Aerobic Conditioning Workout w/ Zach
Jan 24th: Hip Mobility Skills Class w/ Jess
Jan 31st: Kipping Skills Class w/ Meg