Weekly Announcements
1) The Lifestyle Plan Participations @ Vickery Athletics
-Individualized plans via email Tuesday Morning
-Live Zoom Meeting Q&A w/ Roberto and Zach WEDNESDAY @ 730pm
2) Sunday Specialty Class this Week Movement Therapy with Jess: Hip and Low Back Care and Mobility
A) Emom X 7
6 Barbell RDL
8 Bent Over Row
6 Burpees
B) 4 Sets in 15min
18-20 Bottoms Up DB Bench Press
2.2 Mixed Grip Weighted Pullups
C) 4 Rounds for Time
10 Kipping Pullups > 6 Kipping > Tough Jumping
10/10 Offset Push Ups > Knees
20 L Crunches
A) 26-20-15
Single Leg Db/KB RDL
Squat Band Single Leg Hip Bodyweight w/12sec hold on last rep
Split Stance RKBS
B) E90s x 14 Sets
Min 1: 6 Single DB Deadlifts + 6/arm Db Hang Snatch + 6 Box Jumps
Min 2: 18/15 Cal Row
A) 12 minutes
35sec Run
25sec Walk
B) EMOM x 12:
Min 1: 2 Turkish Get Ups R + 5 Burpees
2nd : 2 Turkish Get Ups L + 5 Burpees
C) EMOM x12
12/10 Cal AB
D) EMOM x 10:
Min 1: 40sec Single Unders
Min 2 - 35sec Bar Hang
A) 3 Sets:
30m KB/DB Rack Carry (stop every 10m and complete 5 Dual KB/DB Press)
5 KB/DB Windmill R
5 KB/DB Windmill L
15sec Single Arm Plank R
15sec Single Arm Plank L
B) 5 Rounds for Time
12 Ring Dips
15/side Bench Assisted Heavy Db/KB Row
C) 5 Rounds for time
12 Strict Pullups
*2 second count at bottom
15/side Heavy Single Arm Db/KB Push Press*
*Control down and reset each rep
A) 6 Sets in 16min
Box/Bench Squat
10,6, 3,3,3,3
Super Set w/
12-16 Banded RKBS
4 Sets
B1) ) 8/leg DB/KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split
B2) 10 Superman to Prison to Strict Cross Body K2E
B3) 14 ) DB Suitcase Jump Squats@ 30X0
18min Clock:
Row Continuously @ moderate pace
*At the 3, 9, 15min mark get off the rower
and complete:
15 Tall Kneeling Landmine Goblet Press
*At the 6, 12, 18min mark get off the rower
and complete:
15 Feet Elevated Box Push Ups w/ 1 sec pause at btom
18min Clock:
Bike or Jump Rope Continuously @ moderate pace
*At the 3, 9, and 15min mark get off and complete:
15 Barbell Reverse Curl@ 20X0
*At the 6, 12, and 18min mark get off the
bike and complete:
15 KB Hollow Body Pull Over
SUNDAY @ 11am
Movement Therapy with Jess: Hip and Low Back Care and Mobility
Please register on Pike13 App
50-60min to work on understanding your hip and low back mobility. How to improve mobility and stability. This is not a workout, but more a of a learning session.
Upcoming Sundays
Jan 31st: Kipping Skills Class w/ Meg