Weekly Announcements
1) The Lifestyle Plan @ Vickery Athletics
Participants be active in checking your emails throughout the week for what is to come.
2) Sunday Specialty Class this Week Aerobic Conditioning with Zach
A) 8min Amrap
100m Row
5-7 Yoga Push Ups
B) 6 Sets in 16min
Bench Press
Super Set
14 Alt No Push Up Renegade Row
C) 37/30 Cal Row Sprint
Right Into...
3 Rounds
30 Toes to Bar
30 Push Ups
Cap 15min
A) 3 Sets
25/Side Split Squat Stance Hold
60sec Hip Bridge Hold
B) Emom x 16 min
Min 1: 10 Hvy Goblet Drop Lunges (red plate)
Min 2: 15 RKBS
C) Emom x 16min
Min 1: 25-30sec of Bicycle Crunches
Min 2: 40 Double Unders
A) Couch Stretch 2.5min per side
B) "Kelly"
5 Rounds for Time
400m Run
30 Box Jump
30 Wallball
30min Time Cap
4 Sets
A1) 7 Barbell Strict Press*
*2 sec pause at the top
A2) 8-10 Strict Pullups
A3) 10 Weighted Dips*
*2 sec pause at bottom of the dip
A4) 100m Heavy Farmers Carry
B) 8min of Abmat Situps
20sec of work
10sec of rest
A) 6 Sets in 16min
Box/Bench Sqaut
Super Set
10/side Weighted Calf Raise
B) 1000m Row Time Trial
12 Sets Alternating Sets w/ a Partner
8 Burpees
12 Primal Shoot Throughs
16 Suitcases
300m Run
16 Suitcases
12 Primal Shoot Throughs
8 Burpees
Rest while partner is working
SUNDAY @ 11am
Aerobic Conditioning with Zach
This is a 50minute workout to focus on Aerobic conditioning. This is open to all members. Open Gym members are welcome to come to Open Gym during this class.
This is less of a coached class and more of a workout along the coach.
It won't be fancy, its a good sweat to recover after a hard week or just get an extra day in because you missed a day this week.
Upcoming Sundays
Jan 24th: Hip Mobility Skills Class w/ Jess
Jan 31st: Kipping Skills Class w/ Meg